Trees of Righteousness Affiliation


First trip to Nicaragua was in 2013 with a group of ministers and each trip lasted 10 days. We went to minister to various churches and villages. The average flight is approximately eight hours with the layovers. Accommodations were provided by the hosting pastors. Meals were provided by hosting pastors at our expense. 

Daily routine was to feed the children a meal in various villages and ministry at night at a church or village. The meal consisted of rice with vitamins and protein in it, bread, and we provided each person with an ice cream. We visited an active volcano and visited various places of tourism. Nicaragua is full of beauty and poverty.

There is no feeling greater than seeing a child holding a bowl and receiving some food and ice cream. Normally we would provide a Piñata. The excitement watching the children gathering the candy cannot be described.

We conducted city crusades, visited women rehab center, hospital, the markets, villages, conducted water baptism, and help build church. Each visit includes a dinner for all the area pastors and the group ministers to the pastors and their families. We witness many being discourages, disappointed, hurt, and ready to quit.

We were blessed to do radio broadcast and television program that not only was viewed in Nicaragua but in Centra and South America. We provide Christmas for the children (as long as finances are available) and one Christmas we had over 3,000 children present. Each child received lunch (rice with meat and vegetables, bread, soda, and a gift). Souls were saved, lives were changed, and many miracles were received. We were privileged to perform a wedding for the Pastors son. The wedding took place on the beach and was breath taking.

Trees of Righteousness Affiliation continues to visit Nicaragua on a yearly basis. We have individuals from the ministry travel with us who receive great experience with missions and ministry. One cannot put a price on seeing people encouraged and children being blessed.

The people become family!


We did Christmas for over 3000 children and their parents. Feeding them and giving each one a gift. For most of the children it was all they got for Christmas. It warmed our hearts to be able to provide them this small pleasure. If you can remember how excited you got at Christmas when you were a child, image  how these children must have felt getting something they never got before.

Nicaragua 2014

Nicaragua 2015

Nicaragua 2016

Nicaragua 2021

Nicaragua 2022

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